Inky Quills Avocado Soaps
Inky Quills LLC soap is made with all natural ingredients using the cold process method. We make the soap with oils that cater to several skin conditions. Our options may grow as we do, below are listed the options we currently offer and their benefits. Please note, all of our soaps are made with sustainable and responsibly harvested palm oil to provide a hard, moisturizing bar and coconut oil which provides a skin nourishing, thick lather. The addition of the following bases to the soap recipe are what dictate the benefits each soap has for particular skin types or conditions.
Avocado Oil
Our soaps made with avocado oil are best suited to sensitive to normal skin types. High in moisturizing properties and rich with vitamins which absorb easily into the skin, this lovely oil is a golden color and so our soaps made with this base tend to color either to the essential oil or fragrance oil incorporated or is a pale gold color.
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